Weather: Rainy and cool.
Wetlands: Cool rainy spell for about 4 days has caused the upper wetlands to begin filling again. The riparian wetlands remain full. A few Mallard ducks remain and may be nesting on the farm. Foraging Tree swallows are very numerous over the wetlands.
Wildlife: Saw 18 Elk, calves, yearlings, and bulls in velvet. Very few older cows. Saw many frogs on the banks of the
upper forest pond which looked like Red-legged frogs.
Plants: Divided Nelson’s Checker mallows into gallons and some large tree pots with multiple plants. Took cuttings by pulling shoots from Kincaids Lupine?? on rock outcrop in WRP site 5-7-00. Pulled shoots from large leaf Lupine 4-27-00 and put in Alder bark bed and pots. Root divisions taken 4-1-00 Are doing well in Alder bark mounds.
Forest: Took cuttings from wild Cherry tree and put them in tree pots and barkdust beds. Treated cuttings by immersing in 5 gal bucket with a solution of Lilly Miller Dip’n grow liquid rooting concentrate for 3 hours. ( 1 Tablespoon liquid solution 1% idole-3butyric acid +0.5%naphthaleneacetic acid in 4 gal water). Transplanted wild cheery seedling, 3 leaf, in gal pots.
Crops: Yellow Vetchling (annual volunteer) transplants are doing poorly and turning purple. It is making good growth in the wetlands and looks like a promising cover crop for wet sites. Planted Blueberries in Alder mounds near the house 18-4″ pots & 1- 1gal pot.
Commercial: John Sorrenson received the Cherry log in Alaska 4-30-00 that was cut from the farm and will begin experimenting for furniture use.
Outreach: Checker-mallow recovery site recruitment letter was printed in 5-00 Incahoots newsletter.